Sunday, October 20, 2013

Narayaneeyam: Dasakam: 2

Dashakam: II

Shloka: 1
(Aham) Bhaje tvatroopam---------------------------------------- “I worship Your form (which has)
Soorya spardhi kireetam------------------------------------------- a crown which vies (compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something) with the sun (in brilliance)
Oordhvatilaka prodbhaasi phaalaantaram---------------------- a forehead the beauty of which is enhanced by the sandalwood paste mark pointing upwards
Kaarunyaa kula netram ------------------------------------------------ eyes brimming with compassion
Aardra hasitollaasam----------------------------------------------------- a soft smile melting with joy
Sunaasaaputam----------------------------------------------a very handsome and attractive nose
Gandodyan makaraabha kundala yugam-------------------- a pair of pendants shaped like makara (crocodile) brightening up the cheeks
Gando---cheeks,  naasaa--- nose, Phaalaan--- forehead kantho ----neck
Kanthojvalat  kausthubam -------------------- with the ‘Kaustubha’gem brightening up the neck region.
Vana maalya haarapatala shree vatsa deepram-------------- and the chest adorned by a dense garland of jungle flowers and the mark known as “shreevatsa”   

Bhattadri says,I am full of adoration for such a charming form of the Lord and I totally surrender myself at His lotus feet, having no one else for refuge.
The Garland is said to be made of the five elements and the five tanmantras and known as “Vijayanti-mala” is referred to as Vanamala  (literally meaning a jungle –garland) The famous mark known as  Shreevatsa , left behind as a symbol of Lord ‘s forbearance when he was trodden upon by sage Bhrigu to test his greatness continues to adorn the chest of the Lord.
The five elements manifest in the functioning of the five senses as well as in certain functions of human physiology. Tan means subtle and matra means elements.
Shloka: 2
(Aham) Aalambe-------------------------------------I seek refuge
Tava kaanchit Moortim-----------------------------in Your indescribable form
Keyooraangada-kankanottama mahaa ratnaanguleeyaankita shreemadbaahu-chatushka-sangata-gadaa shankhaari pankeruhaam------------------- having four glorious and lovely arms marked by ornaments like epaulets (ornamental shoulder piece or decoration), armlets and bracelets.gem-set finger rings and holding in them, the mace (gada) the conch (sankha) the discus (chakra) and the lotus (padmam) the four ensigns of Vishnu

[Bhagawad gita says: Mace represents the power of knowledge
Conch stands for the five elements, sound of AUM, the Goddess of Lakshmi, the water,purity and perfection
Discus is the terrible weapon of Vishnu, who uses to destroy the evil and protect the righteous. It represents the light bearing sun which illuminates and remove darkness.
Lotus symbolizes beauty, purity, harmony, water element, creation and self-realization]
Kaanchit kaanchana laanchita-lasat peetaambaraa lambineem------------------decorated with a golden waist-band bordering on the shining yellow silken robe supported by it
Vimalaambuja-dyutipadaam----------------------------------- with feet whose lustre is like that of spotless lotuses
Aartichchidam ------------------------------and which cuts asunder (apart, divided, into pieces ) all the woes of devotees
It is said that the discus known as “Sudarsana Chakram” is the embodiment of Manas-tattvam (the principle of mind) the mace,”Kaumodakee”, that of Buddhi ( the principle of intellect) the conch, “Panchajanya”, that of the Bhutas (the principle of five elements) and ahamkaras and the lotus that of Antah-karana ( the principle of Inner-Conscience.) The Lord is known as, “Chakra-gada-dhara”on account of His wearing Sudarsana Chakram Which consists of the above principles

Shloka: 3
He Vibho! He Vishno! ----------------------------------------“O All-pervading (be present and apparent) one capable of granting Moksha
Tat tvadroopam yat mahitam------------------------------- that form of Yours, which is more revered (feel deep respect or admiration) and worshipped
Trailokya maheeyasah api --------------------------------- than the most revered and worshipped one in all the three worlds
Sammohanam mohanaat------------------------------------more enchanting than the most enchanting object
Kaantam kaantinidaanatah api------------------------------whose lustre outshines all repositories (store house) of brilliance
Madhuram maadhurya-dhuryaadapi----------------------- which is sweeter than the sweetest object
Sundarataram saundaryottaratah api----------------------whose beauty outshines the most beautiful a
Aashcharyam aashcharyatah api ----------------------------which is more wonderful than the greatest wonder
Kasya kutukam na pushnaati bhuvane -----------------------whose ardour (feeling of great intensity and warmth,eagerness )  does it not arouse in the whole Universe.

Shloka: 4
Saa devee sampanmayee------------------------------------“Goddess Lakshmi, the embodiment of prosperity
Sampraapya  tat vapu tava ------------------------------------- having attained such a body of Yours (Your bosom )
Madhuraatmakam taadrk--------------------------------------- which is sweetness incarnate as stated
Paramotsukaa na aaste ----------------------------------------- and being extremely attached to You does not stay
Chirataram svabhakteshvapi ------------------------------------- for long even among her own devotees!
Tena he achyuta! Vibho! ----------------------------------------Therefore, O Imperishable and All-prevading Lord
Asyaa tvadroopa-maanojnyaka premasthairya-mayaad---------on account of her steadfastness (loyalty) in the ever- lasting love towards Your beauty and form
Achaapala balaat ----------------------------------------------- which is, indeed,Her strength of not being  fickle (unsteady)
Uda bhoot chaapalya vaarta --------------------------------there emerged a talk of ‘fickleness’
Bata kashtam ---------------------------------------------------Alas! What a misfortune!
It is indeed unfortunate that even the Great Goddess Lakshmi also got a bad reputation for ever that she is fickle minded.

Shloka: 5
He Lakshmeepate ------------------------------------------”O Lord, consort (spouse,partner) of Goddess Lakshmi!
Vakshyaami adhunaa anyad-------------------------------- I shall tell You now one more
Pramaanam  api asminn iti --------------------------------- proof, also in support of this ,that
Eyam lakshmeeh asthiraa pareshu------------------------- this Goddess Lakshmi is unsteady with others
Taavaka raamaneeyaka hrutaa eva ------------------------because she was captivated by Your charm alone.
Ye janaah bhaktaa ------------------------------------------------ for, those of Your devotees
Tvaddhyaana-gunaanu keertana rasaasaktaa ----------------who are addicted to meditating on You and singing Your virtues
Teshu eva eshaa vasati sthiraa he ------------------------------- with them alone, she stays indeed
Dayita prastaava-dattaadaraa ------------------------------------ being fond of listening to the praise of Her Lord
Goddess Lakshmi stays permanently wherever the Lord’s names are chanted and His glories are sung. Therefore, the easiest way to acquire the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi is to worship with unstinted (generous) devotion, the Lord who is Her consortand in whom she resides.

Shloka: 6
Evam tvadroopam ----------------------------------------- “Thus, Your divine form
Bhoota manojnyataa-navasudhaa-nishyanda-sandohanam ------------ which showers an abundance of fresh nectar in the shape of beauty and charm which has been describe above
Maojnyataa—beauty, navasudhaa---nectar
Parachidra saayaa-namayam ------------------------------ is the embodiment (tangible or visible form of an idea, quality or feeling ) of Supreme Bliss
Chetoharam---------------------------------------------------- and is indeed, mind captivating
Cheta----mind (manasu)
Prerayate  saddyah matim ---------------------------------- it stimulates instantly the minds
Shrnvataam -------------------------------------------------of those who hear Your wonderful exploits (deed, feat, achievement)
Madayate romaanchayaty angakam-----------------exhilarates (make someone to feel very happy) and excites the body with hair standing on end due to ecstasy (an overwhelming feeling of great happiness) or excites horripilation (erection of hairs on the skin) in all the limbs
Api vyaasinchaty---------------------------------------------and also copiously (abundant, rich) drenches the body
Sheeta baash pavisaraih----------------------------------- with a flood of cool tears
Sheeta--- cool
Aananda-moorchchod-bhavaih -------------------------originating from the ecstasy of joy

Shloka: 7
Geeyate yogeeshvaraih Iti----------------------------------it has been loudly proclaimed (to praise) by great sages that
Sah   yogah bhaktyabhitah-----------------------------------the yoga (path), known as Bhakti (the path of devotion)
Evam bhoota tayaa hi ------------------------------------------as said earlier, indeed (real,actually) or being of this nature
Bhrshotta-matarah yogadvayaat-----------------------------is far definitely far superior than the two yogas
Karma-jnyaana-mayaat------------------------------in the form of Karma (duty) and jnanam (knowledge)
He Ramaa vallabha! -------------------------------- O Lord! Consort of Goddess Rama ( Lakshmi)
Bhakti prema-prakarshaatmikaa---------------------devotion which is the nature of intense love
Tvayi saundaryaika rasaatmake ------------------to You, who are the unique essence of all gracefulness
Khalu labhyaa vishvapurushaihi----------------------- is indeed, attainable by all perons in the world
Nishramameva--------------------------------------------without any effort at all
 The superiority of the bhakti yoga over other two yogas has been widely explained by great sages like Veda Vyaasa and Narada in our scriptures. Their words are totally acceptable as they have tried out all these three different methods and have attained the coveted sidhis or accomplishments. Prahalada, Dhruva, Draupadi and many others, even Gajendra who was in the animal form, attained salvation through the path of devotion.

Shloka: 8
Yat Karma yogaabhidam--------------------------------- “what is called Karma yoga (the path of action),
Tat nishkaamam -------------------------------------------- that is practised without desire for results
Niyatsva dharmacharanam--------------------------------and with observance of prescribed courses of conduct, or and which consists in the performance of one’s duties
Dooretyaphalam--------------------------------------------- is productive of results only in the distance future
Punah yat upanishada-jnyaanopalabhyam--------------------------- again, what is jnana-yoga (path of knowledge) obtainable through knowledge of Upanishads
Tat tu sudurgamataram chittasya ------------------------- that too is very difficult to pursue (follow) for the mind
Avyakta-tayaa-------------------------------------------------- because of being abstract or lack of clarity
Tasmaad he Vibho! --------------------------------------------Therefore, O All-pervading Lord!
Tvat premaatmaka-bhaktih eva ----------------------------- Bhakti (devotion), which is the same as love for You,
Satatam svaadeeyasee shreyasee --------------------------- is always the sweetest and most exalted (high) or most excellent
Tasmaad—therefore, satatam—always, svaadeeyashee---sweetest, shreyasee—the best
Karmayoga is very difficult to practiseand takes long time to give results. A karmayogi should never think interms of the benefits of the results of his actions. Jnyanayoga is equally or even more difficult to practice. Bhaktiyoga,(the path of devotion) is the simplest and easiest to practise even for a lay man.
According to the division of society followed by ancient times based on character-types and professions, there were four divisions or varnas:
1.       Brahmanas-----the priestly class
2.       Kshatriyas------the warrior/ruling class
3.       Vaisyas----------merchants and traders
4.       Shudras---------the serving class
The span of life of human beings is divided in to four stages of life or asramas:
1.       Brahmacharya------the student
2.       Grehastya------------householder
3.       Vanaprastha---------hermit
4.       Sannyasa-------------ascetic with complete renunciation of all mundane matters
The system of classification into VARNAS AND ASRAMAS commonly referred to as the VARNASRAMA system

Shloka: 9
Aacharya atyaayaasakaraani -----------------------------Performing the most laborious (hard, painful) and
Karmapatalaani niryanmalaah----------------------------numerous austerities (sternness or severity) and gaining purity of mind
Aayaanti yuchitataam---------------------------------------they acquire the fitness to pursue
Bodhe athavaa bhaktipathe--------------------------------the path of knowledge or the path of devotion
Api taavataa kim---------------------------------------------- but of what use is that?
Anye punah param klishtvaa-------------------------------some others, again, after struggling for long
Tarkapathe-----------------------------------------------------in the path of logic and still or in the path of logical reasoning
Krute chittaadratvam---------------------------------------- without the melting of the heart in love
Vichintya tava brahmaakhyam vapuhu-----------------meditating on your Brahmic (unmanifested) form
Sidhyanti bahubihi janmaantaraihi---------------------- attain salvation, after many more lives
Some people perform various rituals with great effort and there by become purified in mind and therefore fit for path of knowledge or devotion. What is the use? Since the path of karma cannot itself lead to liberation. Others strain themselves in the path of logical reasoning by pondering over the Supreme Brahman; without the melting of the heart in love they will take many lives to attain the goal

Shloka: 10
Ayi vibho ------------------------------------------------------- “O All-pervading One
Tvad bhaktih tu jayati----------------------------------------devotion to You always triumphs (over the other two paths)
Swayam siddhyantee -----------------------------------------being self-generative
Kathaa-rasaa-amruta-jharee nirmajjanena------------------by submerging one in the nectarine river of Your interesting stories
Tanvatee akleshatah--------------------------------conferring, (grant) without any effort
Vimala prabodha padaveem--------------the state of taintless (spotless) knowledge and enlightenment and
Sadyas  siddhikaree--------------------- instantly bestowing (confer, honour, present)the final beatitude or Moksha.
He vaataalayaadeeshvara--------------------------- O Lord of Guruvayoor !
He vaataalayaadeeshvara astu-----------------------may I soon accomplish
Saa tvatpada prema praudhi rasaardrataa eva----------- that tenderness of the heart, born out of intense love, towards your lotus feet alone
It is therefore, bakthiyoga is superior to paths of karma and jnana.

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