Monday, October 21, 2013

Narayaneeyam: Dasakam: 27

Dashakam XXVII

Shloka 1
Durvaasaah swayam----------------------once, Sage Durvasa, himself
Upadaaya shakraaya----------------------having given to Indra
Sura-vanitaa-aapta-divyamaalyam---------------a divine garland obtained from a celestial damsel
Bhooyah tatra -------------------and when, then and there itself, ( the garland)
Naagendra-pratimrdite ----------------was trampled upon by the king of elephants
Shashaapa shakram--------------------cursed Indra
Tvaditara-devataamshajaanaam------------for those born as aspects of Gods other than You
Kaa kshaantih-----------------------------where is the question of forbearance?
The story in the Vishnu Purana goes that Durvasa, while wandering the earth in a state of ecstasy due to a vow of insanity he was observing, came by a Vidyadhari (a nymph-- a beautiful young women of the air) and demanded of her a heavenly wreath of flowers she was wearing. The nymph respectfully gave the garland to the sage, whereupon he wore it on his brow. Resuming his wanderings, the sage came across Indra riding his elephant, Airavata, attended by the gods. Durvasa, still in his state of frenzy,(the state of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior) threw the garland at Indra, who caught it and placed it on Airavata's head. The elephant was irritated by the fragrance of the nectar in the flowers, so it threw the garland to the ground with its trunk.
Durvasa was enraged to see his gift treated so callously( hard, insensitive) and cursed Indra that he would be cast down from his position of dominion over the three worlds, just as the garland was cast down. Indra immediately begged Durvasa's forgiveness, but the sage refused to retract or even soften his curse, and went on his way. Because of the curse, Indra and the Devas were diminished in strength and shorn (cut-off) of their lustre.
Seizing this opportunity, the Asuras led by Bali waged (carry on) war against the gods. The gods were routed and turned to Brahma for help. Brahma directed them to seek refuge with Vishnu. Vishnu in turn, advised them to call a truce with the Asuras and work together with them to churn the Milky Ocean and obtain the Nectar of Immortality, on the pretext of sharing it with them. Vishnu promised that he would ensure only the Devas drank the Nectar and obtained immortality so they could once again defeat the Asuras. The Devas took Vishnu's advice and called their truce with the Asuras, and thus did the gods and demons begin planning their great enterprise.
Durvasa's curse was only mentioned in Bhagavatam. It is as follows:
When the asuras, with their serpent weapons, severely attacked the demigods in a fight, many of the demigods fell and lost their lives. Indeed, they could not be revived. At that time, O King, the demigods had been cursed by Durvasa Muni, the three worlds were poverty-stricken, and therefore ritualistic ceremonies could not be performed. The effects of this were very serious.

Shloka :2
Nirvaanaprabhava-------------------------O bestower of salvation/liberation
Atha nirjarendre-----------------------------thereafter, when Indra, who enjoyed eternal youth
Prathitajare shaapena---------------------exhibited signs of old age on account of the curse
Deveshu api nishprabheshu--------------and the Devas, having become devoid of all prowess/ having lost all their glory
Asurajiteshu----------------------were vanquished/defeated by Asuras
Sarvadevaah sharvaadyaah------------------all the Devas, with Shiva leading
Etya kamalajam samam---------------approaching Brahma, and along with him
Aapuh bhavantam---------------------reached You
The author's address of the Lord as nirvaanaprabhava, source of salvation, in this shloka indicates that the Devas would get their redressed (remedy or set right) if they approached the Lord who is the embodiment of bliss and beatitude (supreme blessedness, bliss) and hence capable of destroying all sorrows of people.

When the asuras, with their serpent weapons, severely attacked the demigods in a fight, many of the demigods fell and lost their lives. Indeed, they could not be revived. At that time, O King, the demigods had been cursed by Durvāsā Muni, the three worlds were poverty-stricken, and therefore ritualistic ceremonies could not be performed. The effects of this were very serious
Lord Indra, Varuṇa and the other demigods, seeing their lives in such a state, consulted among themselves, but they could not find any solution. Then all the demigods assembled and went together to the peak of Sumeru Mountain. There, in the assembly of Lord Brahmā, they fell down to offer Lord Brahmā their obeisances, and then they informed him of all the incidents that had taken place.
Upon seeing that the demigods were bereft of all influence and strength and that the three worlds were consequently devoid of auspiciousness, and upon seeing that the demigods were in an awkward position whereas all the demons were flourishing, Lord Brahmā, who is above all the demigods and who is most powerful, concentrated his mind on the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Thus being encouraged, he became bright-faced and spoke to the demigods as follows.
Lord Brahmā said: I, Lord Śiva, all of you demigods, the demons, the living entities born of perspiration, the living beings born of eggs, the trees and plants sprouting from the earth, and the living entities born from embryos — all come from the Supreme Lord, from His incarnation of rajo-guṇa [Lord Brahmā, the guṇa-avatāra] and from the great sages [ṛṣis] who are part of me. Let us therefore go to the Supreme Lord and take shelter of His lotus feet.

Shloka :3
He Varada --------------------------O Bestower of boons
Tvam stutamahimaa chiram--------------You, whose glory was praised for long
Brahmaadyaih tadaaneem-----------------by Brahma and other Gods, then
Praadushshan purah parena dhaamnaa---------appearing before them with great splendour
Paryashaah iti  he devaa----------------------advised them thus: O Devas
Vidhaaya sandhim ditijakulaih----------------making peace with Diti's sons, Asuras
Parimathata peeyoosham----------------------churn out of the ocean, Ambrosia
Being praised for long by Brahma and other gods, You did appear before them in all Your glory and command them to churn the milk ocean for nectar after making peace with the Asuras.
The Supreme Lord said: 'Listen oh Brahmâ and S'iva, oh gods, to what I am going to tell you. All of you listen attentively, for that will assure you Suras of the ultimate happiness.
Just settle temporarily for the blessings You will receive from making a truce with the Daityas and Danavas who presently have the time on their side.
O demigods, fulfilling one’s own duties is so important that one may even have to make a truce with one’s enemies. One has to act according to the logic of the snake and the mouse.
(A snake and a mouse were once caught in a basket. Now, since the mouse is food for the snake, this was a good opportunity for the snake. However, since both of them were caught in the basket, even if the snake ate the mouse, the snake would not be able to get out. Therefore, the snake thought it wise to make a truce with the mouse and ask the mouse to make a hole in the basket so that both of them could get out. The snake’s intention was that after the mouse made the hole, the snake would eat the mouse and escape from the basket through the hole. This is called the logic of the snake and the mouse.)
Forthwith endeavor for producing the nectar drinking which any living entity in mortal danger can become immortal.
O demigods, cast into the Ocean of Milk all kinds of vegetables, grass, creepers and drugs. Then, with My help, making Mandara Mountain the churning rod and Vāsuki the rope for churning, churn the Ocean of Milk with undiverted attention. Thus the demons will be engaged in labor, but you, the demigods, will gain the actual result, the nectar produced from the ocean.
Do not get angry about it, because to engage in peace is the best way to attain all one's goals. Accept therefore everything that the Asuras demand oh Suras.
A poison known as kālakūṭa will be generated from the Ocean of Milk, but you should not fear it. And when various products are churned from the ocean, you should not be greedy for them or anxious to obtain them, nor should you be angry.

Shloka: 4
Suraughe krtavati sandhaanam daanavaih--------------when Devas made peace with Asuras
Madena nayati mandaraadrim-----------------------and were proudly bringing the mandara mountain
Manthaanam asmin bhrashte------------------------as the churning rod,when it fell down
Tvam udvahan khagendre---------------------------You carrying it on the king of birds, Garuda
Badaram iva vinihitavaan sadyah-------------------as if it were a tiny berry, installed it immediately
Payah payodhau------------------in the milky ocean
 Having decided to be friendly with each other, they, Deva and Asura, embarked on the supreme enterprise of churning for the nectar, oh chastiser (one who gives punishment) of the enemies.
For that purpose they with great force and loud cries uprooted Mandara Mountain, embraced it firmly and brought it to the ocean.
Carrying the load over a great distance Indra and the son of Virocana being fatigued could not support the load any longer and dropped it on the road.
The gigantic golden mountain falling down right there crushed with its great weight many of the enlightened and unenlightened souls.
Then the Supreme Lord seated on the back of Garuda appeared before them who had broken their arms and legs as also their hearts.
Simply glancing over the immortals and mortals who were crushed by the falling mountain brought them back to life unscathed and free from grief.
With the greatest ease He placed with one hand the mountain on Garuda, also mounted and went to the ocean, surrounded by the Suras and Asuras.
Unloading the mountain from his shoulder Garuda, the greatest of all birds, went to the waterside with it and put it down. Thereupon he was sent away by the Lord [so that he would not eat Vâsuki].

Shloka: 5
Atha mathanvidhau-------------------thereafter, when the churning operations
Paathodhau---------------------------in the milky ocean
Vinihita-sarva-beeja-jaale------------in which all kinds of seeds and herbs had been placed
Praarabdhe taih suraasuraih----------was started by those Devas and Asuras
Drutam aadhaaya vaasukim varatraam-----------quickly taking Vasuki as the churning rope
Tvam akaroh suraareen---------------------You placed the Asuras
Bhujaga-Mukhe vyaajaat-------------------at the head of the snake by playing a stratagem (plan or scheme, trick)
The demigods and demons summoned Vāsuki, king of the serpents, requesting him to come and promising to give him a share of the nectar. They coiled Vāsuki around Mandara Mountain as a churning rope, and with great pleasure they endeavored to produce nectar by churning the Ocean of Milk.
Lord Hari was the first to take him by the head and then the demigods followed.
'The leaders of the demons thought it unwise to hold the tail, the inauspicious portion of the snake. Instead, they wanted to hold the front, which had been taken by the Personality of Godhead and the demigods, because that portion was auspicious and glorious. Thus the demons, on the plea that they were all highly advanced students of Vedic knowledge and were all famous for their birth and activities, protested that they wanted to hold the front of the snake.
(Thus, the pride of the Asuras led to their holding the head, which they had to regret later on, when the snake started emitting poison from its mouth)
Seeing how consequently the Daityas let it pass, the Supreme Personality smiled. He gave up the front portion and grasped together with the demigods the rear end.
Thus having settled on the positions to hold the snake, the sons of Kas'yapa [the godly and the demoniac ones] with great zeal churned to get the nectar from the ocean of milk.

Shloka :6
Tadaaneem deveshu vyathitatameshu-----------thereafter, when the Devas were very much agitated/worried
Kshubdhaadrau nimagne -----------------------as the churn rod, the Mandara mountain sinked
Gurutarabhaaratah--------------------------------on account of its being extremely heavy
Dugdhaabdhau kshubhita-jalodare-----------in the milky ocean which had been stirred to its depths/in the milky ocean whose water has been fully stirred
Tatpriyaishee praanaisheeh----------------------You, the Devas well-wisher, assumed
Kamat*a- tanum kat*ora-prsht*aam-----------the form of tortoise with a hard back
(t*a------is pronounced as t in ant-hill)
As they were churning the ocean with the Mandara Mountain, it had no support, and therefore although held by the strong hands of the demigods and demons, it sank into the water.
Confronted with the fact that their manliness was defeated by the stronger will of providence, their faces, heavily disappointed, darkened
Seeing the situation that had been created by the will of the Supreme, the unlimitedly powerful Lord, whose determination is infallible, took the wonderful shape of a tortoise, entered the water, and lifted the great Mandara Mountain.
Here is evidence that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the supreme controller of everything. As we have previously described, there are two classes of men — the demons and the demigods — but neither of them are supremely powerful. Everyone has experienced that hindrances are imposed upon us by the supreme power. The demons regard these hindrances as mere accidents or chance, but devotees accept them to be acts of the supreme ruler. When faced with hindrances, therefore, devotees pray to the Lord. Tat te ’nukampaam susameekshamaano bhunjaana evaatma-krtam vipaakam. Devotees endure hindrances, accepting them to be caused by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and regarding them as benedictions. Demons, however, being unable to understand the supreme controller, regard such hindrances as accidental. Here, of course, the Supreme Personality of Godhead was present personally. It was by His will that there were hindrances, and by His will those hindrances were removed. The Lord appeared as a tortoise to support the great mountain. Kshitir iha vipulatare tava tisht*ati prsht*e. The Lord held the great mountain on His back. Keshava dhrta-koorma shareera jaya jagadeesha hare. Dangers can be created by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and they can also be removed by Him. This is known to devotees, but demons cannot understand it.

Shloka 7
He vishno varshmanaa------------------------O All-Pervading Lord! With the body of tortoise
Vajraatisthiratara-karparena------------------whose back was harder than diamond, the thunderbolt (weapon) of Indra, which is said to have been made out of the bones of the sage Dadichi
Parigata-lakshayojanena----------------which was more than a Lakh yojanas
(1 Yojana=8.9 miles or 13-14km)
(The day of this incarnation of the Lord is celebrated as koorma jayanti on the 12 th day of the moon during the dark fortnight falling in the month of may or June.)
Vistaaraat---------in extent
Kuharagatena ambhodheh-----------------and which had gone into the depth of the ocean
Tvam unninetha-------------------You did lift up and support
Kshitidhara-naatham nirmagnam----------the mountain which had got submerged/sunk into the sea
When the demigods and demons saw that Mandara Mountain had been lifted, they were enlivened (make some one cheerful or appealing) and encouraged to begin churning again. The mountain rested on the back of the great tortoise, which extended for eight hundred thousand miles like a large island.
when the demigods and demons, by the strength of their arms, rotated Mandara Mountain on the back of the extraordinary tortoise, the tortoise accepted the rolling of the mountain as a means of scratching His body, and thus He felt a pleasing sensation.
When the Suras and Asuras saw it rising they decided to churn again with the mountain Mandara that like a continent extended a hundred thousand yojanas wide on His back.
The rotating of the mountain that was moved by the strong arms of the Sura and Asura leaders my best one, was by the primal tortoise who carried it on His back, considered an infinitely pleasant scratching.

Shloka: 8
Daraa darendra unmagne ---------------------when the mountain came up out of the ocean
Sarve iha jaat^iti nimethuh--------------------all those present suddenly/quickly resumed churning
Drd"am sammedana----------------------- forcefully and great joy
(d" is pronounced as dh in god hood)
Tadaa aavishya dvitayagane ----------------then You entering subtly in to both sides
Sarparaaje api----------------and into the king of serpents,Vasuki too
Parishamyann vaivashyam--------------assuaging/removing their fatigue
Aveevrdhah taan------------------did stimulate them
Seeing that the mountain was quickly lifted by You, the dejected Devas and Asuras felt exhilarated and began churning of the ocean with force and great joy.Then You did enter in to the Devas,Asuras as well as into Vasukiand removing their fatigue and did strengthen them. you destroyed their weariness and stimulated their strength and energy to churn the ocean
Thereafter, to encourage them and increase their strength and energy, Lord Vishnu entered the Asuras in the form of passion, the godly ones in the form of goodness and the king of the serpents [Vasuki] in the form of ignorance.

Shloka 9
Vidhi-girishaadayah-------------------------------Brahma, shiva and others positioned themselves
Abhraante------------------------- in the region of the clouds
Udbhraantaah pramodaat nunuvuh tvaam-----------------who were overwhelmed with joy praising You
nyasata-aika-sthiratara-hasta-pankajam----------------------who were keeping Your lotus hand with pressure on the mountain which was rising due to unrestrained (unrestricted) speed of rotation
upaattapushpavarshaah------------------------------by showering flowers
Like another mountain holding on to the king of all mountains with one hand, He exhibited thousands of hands while from the sky Lord Brahma Lord Shiva and King Indra, the head of the gods, offered prayers to Him who was showered with flowers.
Having regained their strength and energy by Your grace, they churned the ocean with force and enthusiasm. As the mountain was being whirled about powerfully, it began to spring up frequently. This prevented proper churning of the ocean.
O Lord! You came to the rescue again by assuming a huge divine form endowed with thousand arms.You kept the mountain pressed down with one hand making it steady in its position. Seeing this magnificient form of Yours, Lord Shiva, Brahma and others were thrilled with wonder and joy and they praised You with divine hymns from the region of the clouds (their position in the heavens) and showering with flowers as continuous downpour.

Shloka 10
Deva daityaughe----------------------------O Lord! When the multitude of Asuras was
Tapte bhujagamukhaanilena------------oppressed by the poisonous breath of the serpent
Tridashakule pi kinchit----------------------and the group of Devas, too to some extent
Aarte tenaiva-----------------------------------were distressed by the same
Tava kaarunyaat Kila----------------------by Your grace, indeed
Vaarivaahaah praavarshan----------------rain-bearing clouds continuously rained upon
Amaraganaan daityasanghaan na------------------ the Devas, but not on the Asuras
The Devas and the Asuras churned the ocean so vigorously as to cause a great stir in the ocean. Due to the violent churning, Vasuki began to emit poisonous fumes through his thousand mouths. The Asuras who were tricked by the Lord to hold the head-end of the serpent were tormented by the heat of the fumes. The Devas were also troubled by the fumes, but to a lesser extent,as they were at the tail-end of the serpent. You caused heavy showers of rain on the Devas side to cool them, but not the Asuras side.
You were not merciful to the Asuras because of their pride and against towards the righteous living and divine laws.

Shloka: 11
Tatra abdhau udbhraamyad-bahutimi-nakra-chakravaale------------------- when that ocean, in which many whales and crocodiles were moving about in confusion
Nirvikaare---------------------------------remained without any change, from it's natural state
Chiramathite api-----------------------inspite of being churned for long
Tvam ekah samraajan ------------------------You, all by Yourself did shine exceedingly
Karayugakrshtasarparaajah---------------with Your both hands engaged in pulling the king of snakes, Vasuki
Pavanapureshaa! Paahi rogaat------------------O Lord of Guruvayoor! Protect me from disease
While innumerable fish, whales, crocodiles and other aquatic creatures came out from the ocean, but it remained unchanged even after being churned for a very long time ( i.e. nectar was not obtained) . Then, You all by  Yourself take over the churning and holding the two ends of the snake in two hands and did shine brilliantly. O Lord of Guruvayoor ! Protect me from all the ailments.
With the Lord, the Supreme One, present on top and below the mountain as also within themselves [as the three primal qualities] and within the snake, the ocean that including its alligators with great strength was churned vehemently with the great mountain, got seriously agitated.
The serpent king spitted, hissing violently in all directions, fire and smoke from his thousands of heads. For that reason the Asuras headed by Pauloma, Kâleya, Bali and Ilvala, being troubled by the heat of his radiation, all began to look like sarala trees scorched in a forest fire.
Also the luster of the gods was affected by his fiery breath that smoked their dresses, fine garlands, armament and faces. Ordained by the Supreme Lord it then profusely began to rain while breezes were blowing clouds of vapor originating from the waves of the ocean.
When the ocean by the best of the godly ones and the Asuras was duly churned but no nectar appeared, the Invincible One Himself began to churn.
He as dark as a cloud, in yellow silks, with lightning earrings on His ears, with the gleaming hair on His head disheveled, with His garland, reddish eyes and victorious arms securing the universe, grabbed the snake to churn with the churning rod for which the mountain was used and assumed for that purpose a size as big as a mountain Himself
The fish, sharks, tortoises and snakes were most agitated and perturbed. The entire ocean became turbulent, and even the large aquatic animals like whales, water elephants, crocodiles and timiṅgila fish [large whales that can swallow small whales] came to the surface.

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